My Two Cents: Famous People Telling Others to Vote for a Candidate

Dear blog,

There has been videos lately about people being indecisive with this election.
Aziz Ansari and bunch of others don’t understand why people like me are indecisive with this election. So in their videos, campaign, or what not, they all say the smart decision is to vote for Hillary Clinton. Really?

Why is that a smart decision? Why do I have to listen to “famous” people in order for everyone to go vote for the person they want as president?

You know what sounds ridiculous? Voting for Hillary Clinton to stop Donald Trump without having the knowledge of her policies and her agenda.

It’s so dangerous to create, or even incite these rallies, videos for people to go vote for the candidates that they are not very informed about. Right now, there are plenty of people are voting for the candidates that they don’t have much knowledge about. And that’s a problem.

You know what? I’ll give the you more reasons why you shouldn’t vote for Hillary. Other than a poor leadership skills and not being able to understand one another, Hillary Clinton is promoting for the United States to go to war. Pushing for a no-fly zone in Syria is going to start an air-war with Syria and Russia. Under Hillary Clinton, we could go in nuclear war with Russia. I mean that literally.

And also, how can someone at the office be so careless with handling information? How can you trust Hillary Clinton who mishandles information?

So really, the decision is one or the other. Others shouldn’t be telling me what is the better choice. Others shouldn’t really be baffled by why people can’t make a decision with who to vote.

Honestly, having famous people trying to convince others to vote Hillary to stop one person is very, very dangerous thing. And that is a problem.

with much love,



My Two Cents: Hillary Clinton and Her Supporters

Dear blog,

I’m now really pissed about Clinton and her supporters. It’s pissing me off that these people are acting like “Oh, I’m taking the higher road. Trump and his supporters know nothing about how to run the country. Screw them.” That’s just adding more oil in a shit storm of a fire. These are more reasons why I despise voting for Hillary Clinton. Now she is on her trail with “Oh look at how Trump is struggling and his supporters are retarded. Let’s just even demean them even more.”

I thought Clinton was a Christian.

I thought Clinton was a better leader than Trump. If she is, then please show me how she is a better leader than Trump. She doesn’t even show compassion for Trump supporters. Even Hillary supporters say things like, “Oh she is by helping out the Republican office that was burned down not too long ago.” No, she isn’t compassionate. If she was a merciful leader, she wouldn’t bring up supporters like the arsonists that burned up the Republican office. She wouldn’t have Michelle Obama going around speech rally’s spewing shit like,

“When they go low, we go high!”  – Michelle Obama

At first, I like it, but now they are aggressively using against Trump supporters like they are not their fellow countrymen. They refer to them as uneducated, racist, and many more. Is that how a leader who is suppose to lead this great country treat other citizens like that? Is that how a leader who is suppose to lead this great country treat their opponents like that? Is that going high when they go low?

You know what I think? I think people who spew shit like that are going lower than others.

Clinton is not the leader I want in my country. I don’t want a leader who demeans other candidates and supporters. She doesn’t even have an ounce of respect for Donald Trump but his children! How about that? I mean I respect both candidates in making it that far into the elections, but holy crap. Screw Hillary. I lost respect for her.

Clinton’s supporters are even worse.

Casey Neistat, a famous YouTuber, rallies up his flipping viewers to go harass Donald Trump, belittle his supporters, and tell them that they are making a better choice by voting for Hillary Clinton through his recent video.

Amy Schumer, a dumbass blonde who thinks she knows what she is doing, recently held a show and started to be political in her show. Now, of course, everyone will start having disagreements with each other. People booing at one of the audience at Amy’s show when asked who he is voting for (he said Trump). Then “The unhappy booing continued and Schumer finally asked the disgruntled members of the audience to leave her show.” If that happened to me, I would have been angry and ask for a refund. And you know what’s more discouraging to see is someone like Amy Schumer, who has fans and followers that she can speak to, belittling other people for supporting Trump.

They are no different from Donald Trump. They are no different from the Trump supporters. Honestly, I think morally speaking they are worse than Trump and his supporters. Most of Hillary supporters are big name celebrities and the media, and they use their platform, their position, to belittle the others. That’s how sad this is. That’s why it’s terrifying to even vote for Hillary because of the power and the support she has to run this country and create a huge divide.

I’m registered to vote. I’m a registered Republican. I hate Donald Trump and his poor (financially, check here. He might be really poor) dumbass policies. I hate Hillary Clinton and her bullies (aka supporters).

I’m not going to vote. Even the third option isn’t a good choice. John Oliver explains very well why. I feel disgusted by both parties and their supporters.

I’m out.

with much love,



My Two Cents: Donald Trump and His Supporters

Dear blog,

I’m kind of sick and tired of listening to the news while at work, hearing all these news about the campaign and the election. And honestly, I hear mostly about Donald Trump and his supporters. You listen about their reasoning and everything they are working towards for: Hillary Clinton being thrown into jail. That’s the basic theme I hear from his retarded campaign. That’s all I hear about from Trump supporters. “Put that bitch in jail! Haha!”

And when you see the other side, they don’t even go that far to “Put that bastard in jail!” They threw a few insulting ads and then left that “he is unfit to be president” theme to “I’m going to do these things when I become president to make it better” theme. You see how crazy that is? A candidate who is really trying to make the country better with policies vs a candidate whose only policies I hear is putting the other candidate to jail and tax cuts.

To the supporters, and Christians, who are reading this with the mindset of “put that bitch to jail,” let’s face it. You are no different from the Jews who rioted against Jesus Christ. Also, let’s face another reality. Donald Trump is no different from the Pharisees in the bible. They always plot ways to put Jesus in jail or plot ways in killing him. Just like how Donald Trump is plotting ways to put Clinton to jail.

The movement Donald Trump and his campaign is leading has a sick obsession with Hillary Clinton. It’s not even funny. It’s really mental. If you visit Donald Trump’s website, they don’t call it issues. They call it “policies.” They don’t even explain why United States need those “policies.” If you click on every single one of them, on the fourteen policies, it has Hillary Clinton name in every single one of them. That is what I call a sick obsession. If you see Hillary Clinton’s website, you don’t see the name “Donald Trump” anywhere in the website. They don’t even compare other candidate’s policies. And the funny thing is that they don’t call it “policies.” They call it “issues.” Issues that are occurring right now and how they can resolve those issues. Funny thing is that one side doesn’t really emphasize the fault of the other. And another funny thing is the Donald Trump and many other claims that they are Christians.

I’m a Christian and even I don’t want to join a movement like that. Like, what the hell kind of “Christian” wants to wish misfortunes to others? Also, what kind of Christian would say “Please forgive Donald,” when Trump HIMSELF won’t forgive the other candidate?

Just from that, I was insulted how the Vice President candidate, Mike Pence, was pleading with Trump’s supporters and other voters to forgive Donald Trump. How about no. How about Donald Trump give a sincere apology to the sins he has committed WITH NO CONTEXT WHATSOEVER about the Clintons.

Because of that line, as a Christian, as a registered Republican, and a person who still had no idea who to vote for, is not going to vote for the Republican presidential candidate. I mean I wasn’t going to vote at all. But after listening to that on air, I feel obligated to vote in order to stop that madman, the Pharisee, in becoming the President of the United States.

Oh, I have one more thing to add to this irony.

Recent Sexual Accusations

I love how suddenly there are so many sexual assault accusations against Trump this week. When Trump tries to take down Hillary by attacking her husband (not Hillary), bunch of other sexual accusations came up against Trump. Using the same tactics Trump was using against Hillary (which I don’t understand why, because it’s Bill, not Hillary), women came out to accuse Trump that they have been sexually harassed by him.

What’s even worse is that Trump’s supporters don’t believe those accusations made against Trump, while they believe all the accusations made against Bill. See how ironic that is? What’s even more sad is that the fact that Donald Trump is threatening to sue a news company for even publishing the stories for these accusation. Why? Because of libel issues.

That’s hilarious because Bill doesn’t seem to care. It wasn’t even relevant to the race. Bill could have sued Donald for libel issues, too.

New York Times doesn’t seem to care. Even if Trump and Times go to court, it seems like Times would win. Time even publicly posted their letter to Trump’s lawyers. 

In the end, it’s so silly. It’s a stupid movement. I wish this election season is over soon. Also, I seriously wish Trump, his family, and his supporters see the irony in what he is campaigning for and the words and actions he spew out during his campaign.

If only Marco Rubio was in the race, I would have voted for him on election day. He was the only hope for the country and the only one who could have saved this country from falling any deeper.

with much love,



My Two Cents: Philip DeFranco and His Talks on YouTube Demonetization

Dear blog,

So, I watched a video from Philip DeFranco today, and I think he still has his head up his ass. If you haven’t watched it, you can watch it here:


In the beginning of his show after calling everyone “beautiful bastards” (really makes you wonder if you can take him seriously and professionally), he calls out numerous of articles that mentioned him and criticized them for not having that much depth into the story. He still “attacks” YouTube (at this point, I don’t know if he even respects the free platform he is in) with their decision and communication with demonetizing numerous of videos. This is what I hate the most about him when he starts talking about money. There are so many things that are wrong in this video, on that specific segment in that video, that I need to give my two cents about him. So, blog, sorry, let me write a letter to Philip DeFranco.

Dear Philip DeFranco,

I think you are a great person and all, but this situation you have started since last week has been bugging me all weekend. I think no one has addressed the issues you have in your videos at all, and I want to let you know that what you have started is a problem. You are feeding poison to your viewers and many other content creators with this idea you are spreading. This is a rant and problems that I have with you and your recent videos. I apologize in advance but I just need to address this because I love you as a viewer.

Monetizing Content on YouTube is a Privilege

Why does every content creator thinks they ‘need’ to make the money off of a free platform? From what I see and hear, YouTube is already doing so much for their content creators. YouTube is letting the users to take shares from YouTube off of advertisers money (which is directed to YouTube). They are giving them out like candy and everyone is taking advantage of that. And now they have the balls to criticize YouTube saying YouTube should take care of the content creators better, WHEN THEY ARE ALREADY GETTING FREE SHIT FROM YOUTUBE. What I mean by free shit, things like uploading videos for free, giving them unlimited space, and much more!

What’s crazy is that you point this out in his video after giving an example to the channel, Seeker Daily, who has many videos on their channels demonetized:

“That’s just one channel and we have no idea how many channels must have been affected by this. How many millions of dollars have not been monetized? How many millions of dollars have essentially been taken out of creators pockets because they were demonetized without knowing about it?”

Are you serious? “Millions of dollars have been taken out of creators pockets”? Do you really think that millions of dollars have been taken out of creators pockets? Do you think the money you are getting from YouTube is your money? I think you don’t understand the money flow at all between you and YouTube. How about this: How many billions of dollars have been taken out of YouTube’s money to keep videos up like your channel and millions more, ALSO taking YouTube’s paycheck from the advertisers added on top of that, for all these years?

For the past years, there has been so many articles of how YouTube is not being profitable and it’s a dying service. Why? Because of this system, culture, and mentality YouTube has created for the content creators for them able to abuse the system and milk off of YouTube. And yet you have the balls to call them out for not paying them. Reasons why YouTube Red was a thing, because they have to keep their content creators satisfied in a way to financially help the content creators.

In a sense, YouTube Red content creators are YouTube’s employees, not YouTube partners.

Rather of having that “partners must get paid by YouTube” mentality, rather than having that level of entitlement that you and bunch of other assholes have, switch that mentality to the other way around. Here, I’ll give you a solution:

Being on YouTube is a privilege.

Get that through your head, Philip. It’s a privilege to be even able to be on the site and earn money off of a free platform. You are not losing money because of YouTube. You are not even paying YouTube for it’s service so I don’t know how you and many other channels are losing money BECAUSE of YouTube.

It’s not about the little guys. It’s about the little guys getting free money off of YouTube. (And you sometimes wonder why Seinfeld last year calls YouTube a “Giant Garbage Can”.)

Your Ego

You have such a huge ego. You look yourself up and even started today’s video about news articles that have been written about you. You care about the things that are said about you and you even emphasize that in your video! Why? Because “it was fascinating”?

“It all started out with YouTuber Philip Defranco, notable YouTuber Philip Defranco, big YouTuber Philip Defranco,
Top Mega Super Star Philip DeFranco, Top Anti-PC YouTuber Philip Defranco,

WHAT!? What the hell are you all talking about?” – Philip DeFranco

What? What are YOU talking about? What’s the point of even emphasizing these details to your viewers? So you can belittle them? And stroking your ego more to belittle the journalists exaggeration on you?

And you say:

“I love how so many articles didn’t mention the fact that I said YouTube has completely has the right to do this. No point in clarifying the difference between freedom of speech as far as from the government vs private organization.

Man.” – Philip DeFranco

If you are really going down that road, I am guessing most people have gotten your drift. Right?

Like a lot of people understood you? And this?


Freedom of Speech

I think you don’t understand the speech. Not being able to earn money from freely talking about issues and awareness, it shouldn’t be an issue at all. Not being able earn money from freely talking about controversial topics, it shouldn’t be an issue either. I don’t understand why content creators should worry about monetization on those videos. If you really, and truly, support freedom of speech, you shouldn’t worry about money not flowing into the topics you talk about and the stance you take on it.

For example, Boogie2988 is upset, and I mean upset, about not getting money for the videos he posted up about helping others on suicide and depression. Why? I thought he did this out of heart and really, deep down, really the video to be a help to others. And a lot of people even label it as ‘good’ videos. If he really believes in this, why does money have to be a problem?

From what I see is that the reason he uploaded those videos was for the money. If it was for the money, then does that mean he needs money to be able to speak about those topics? I am so confused why that is a necessity. If he was in it for the money when speaking about those videos, then how can you in a straight face talk about those issues like that? If he really needs money to support those kind of contents, why doesn’t he find sponsors to help support the issues he speak?

If talk isn’t cheap, and if talk is always going to be chained to money, then why do you support freedom of speech if speech is not free?

If news channels needs to be paid to talk about controversial issues, and they can’t freely do it, that means they are not really speaking freely about those issues. If you really do need to speak about those issues, then why do you care if you are getting paid or not? Are you really speaking because it’s an issue you truly think it needs to be solved or are you speaking because you know you are getting paid for it?

I seriously question the intent of the “news channels” and channels that wants to spread “awareness” of certain issues.

If the news channels are really worried about getting paid, you and many other news channels should know that YouTube shouldn’t be responsible in handling the finances of your news business.

In The End

“it doesn’t really matter~” Not getting monetization on a free platform, that even gives you free money, does not matter.

Philip, I do respect you as a person, but sometimes, you poison this community. This needs to end, and you are the person who can end this. You can either talk about this and change the mentality for the content creators on YouTube, or you can leave it as it is. It’s your choice and your freedom. But it comes with great power, which is the influence you give to others around you.

And please remember:

Being on YouTube is a privilege.

with much love,

– Sheep

P.S. You want your retarded poor man sleeping picture up on an article? Well, here you go. I’ll stroke your ego more for you, asshole.



My Two Cents: Freedom of Speech/Expression on YouTube

Dear blog,

I’m still boggled that many people still have not came out with this topic of “freedom of speech/expression.” Very few people did.

One video explains how advertisements discretion is not censorship.

Another video rants how entitled the YouTubers and everyone else on the bandwagon are.

Another video questions about content creator’s reasons in creating content on YouTube.

The third video explains and questions the topic of everyone definition of freedom. And that is the topic I really wanted others to talk about. What is your purpose on YouTube? Is it to create content? Is it to share content? Is it to entertain others? Is it to talk about important issues people need to hear about?

Or is it really about the MONEY?

And from most of what I got from people like Philip DeFranco, Boogie four numbers, and others are all about the money. The serious talks they made on their videos, and the issues they address, are all for money. This is really questions the people’s intent on creating contents on YouTube. I really question the many content creators (TL;DR did address this and I quote):

How did you ever get started on YouTube if you are only ever in it for the money, and not for the passion and love of what you do?

This apply’s to honestly to everyone. Many have may started YouTube for their passion and love for what they do, but many also have started it for the money. If they were really did it for the passion and love of what they do, then they wouldn’t be complaining, and I cannot stress this enough, COMPLAINING with not getting free money off of YouTube. It’s like they expressed their thoughts and emotions through YouTube because of money. Not because they wanted to really share others what they are really like, but for the money. And if it wasn’t for the money, they wouldn’t be acting like retards online for everyone else to see. If it wasn’t for the money, they wouldn’t say outrageous things, or even PC stupid things, for everyone else to hear. When you hear these people complaining about not being able to monetize their content, then for all that time, they were lying to their viewers.

What that shows me is that all these YouTubers are fake and they show false images of themselves rather than speaking the truth.

YouTube isn’t censoring freedom of speech. YouTube is not censoring freedom of expression.

YouTube just made it harder for YouTubers to make free money off of YouTube.

The one person I’m really disgusted to see is boogie2988. If he is reading this over the PAX weekend, I hope you take a good hit on it and really think about the intent of the contents you make on YouTube.

Boogie2988 sells his sob stories online. On YouTube. He posts up videos talking about topics like suicide, depression, and molestation on YouTube, and then say “I am here to support my viewers whoever is going through this” or some shit like that. And he monetizes those videos. Then when that whole YouTube fiasco was going around, he’s just angry that most of his videos, and Boogie even points this out, especially all his sob story videos are all demonetized. And he’s just angry that he can’t get money for that reason. Not because the video was taken down. Not because the video was muted. He’s angry because there is no money flow going on through those videos.

Others are just blind and clearly cry with him because he’s crying. But what does that show me? A casual viewer? I think he’s a fucking liar and he made those videos because money was clearly the main factor that encourages him to make more videos like that.

And then he has the balls to say that is a form of censorship. WHY AND HOW? So basically you said those sob stories so others can empathize with you and you earn money by people sharing your sob stories and watching them. You basically used your viewers for money.

And no one sees that. It’s messed up in so many ways.

If money is the main drive of people’s freedom of speech/expression, then they are not truly free. They are just chained to money and its power to control whatever content they want to produce. If money isn’t the main drive for people’s content, this demonetization shit wouldn’t be a problem at all.

I wish more people can stand on this stance rather than jumping on the bandwagon of celebrities and think for themselves for once.

with much love,



My Two Cents: YouTubers Ranting on YouTube Is Retarded

Dear blog,

I love it how these people on YouTube are right now on a rampage on YouTube because of limiting their monetization on their videos. They think they have that much of a leverage on YouTube to bash on them. Why?

Big YouTubers like Philip DeFranco, H3H3 Productions, Boogie four numbers, and many others are complaining how messed up it is. Why? It’s because they want more income off of YouTube. It’s not because they like their fans to watch their content. It’s because of money. More views, more money. But now that is cut off, they are throwing in excuses not to make content anymore. They make click-bait titles like “YouTube is Shutting Down My Channel…” so viewers can go, “oh! that is so messed up! let’s call up YouTube and start a riot!”

So in a nutshell, they don’t really mean the words they say in every video. They always say they “love” their viewers. But truthfully, they say that so the viewers can come back to the show and watch their videos.

If YouTube was people’s main job, they need to check back into reality and realize that YouTube is a bad place to make it part of their main income.

ALSO, what is so, and I cannot emphasize this enough. What is SO MESSED UP about it is they try to bring the topic of censorship into this. WHY? How is censorship brought into the topic? Nobody is being oppressed. Nobody is being muted for not speaking up.

Ever since YouTube took away monetization for their content creators, now they are complaining. This shows me that all these content creators were driven for money. Not their passion. It was for money. Nobody cares about their fans. They just keep feeding crap to their viewers. That is why you see these increase in “content creators” jumping on the bandwagon of videos. There is barely any quality content because most of these contents are purely driven by money.

And if they complain that they cannot create “quality” content because their videos are going ad-free, then they can go suck it.

If it was another topic, like wrongfully flagging and taking down the video, then obviously it’s a censorship issue.

But it’s not. And that was my two cents.

With love,



Internet Famous

Dear blog,

The internet is a huge mess. No matter how much people try to make some positive energy in the place, there are always people who will try to nitpick the negative because it’s easier to call out the negative than to work on something positive. They won’t drop the negative because emotionally, it’s so much easier to express it.

What’s worse is that people who have a huge influence on the Internet color the negativity to the young generation. They fill this generation with hate by preaching to them what they hate about this person, or that person, or what this person did. They take on whatever platform they can vent on, and preach to their viewers hate. They might not know it themselves, but even their opinions will color the viewer’s opinion.

Some people deliberately uses their power to get their viewers/followers to hate on that person. What that is doing is he/she is building an army of people who is willing to hate because he/she said so. That is the scariest thing that I have seen. It’s very much comparable to leaders like Hitler. Hitler preached on how Jews messed up the Germans lives, preached how hypocritical they are, and also preached how it almost ruined Hitler’s life. So he held Jews responsible for the crumbling of Germany, responsible for the loss for World War 1.

Right now, the people on the internet are no different from Hitler. Honestly, I will call them out for it. It’s a shame that this generation have to follow such people who preaches hate. Yes, it is their opinion but that doesn’t mean that their words hold much weight. That doesn’t mean that they are not responsible for their fans actions. Even they did say something totally different from what they were trying to preach, it still left the viewers with impression with hate, that they hate this group of people because one person said so. People should stop saying that. They are totally responsible for their words. They are totally responsible for coloring their fans with negativity.

Leafyishere is young and all, but I don’t think he realizes how much influence he is putting into his viewers. Every single one of his video is about bashing others. Never once I saw a video of him praising others for whatever work people do. Never once I saw a video where he promotes positive messages in his videos. People watching his videos love his negative words he has to say about every other people. Even if they are “satire,” that’s not an excuse. He is still promotes hate. Then with that influence, it makes his fans want to go out to bully his video victims. Leafy said in some video that in his defense, he never asked his fans to go bully his victims. That, I say, is hypocritical. Either way, him and channels like him breeds a generation of hate, and I feel so sorry for him.

Keemstar, on the other hand, he is no different from Leafy. He also promotes hate to his viewers, preaches his viewers to hate on others, and ask others to support his hatred onto others. A man with power in his position, he can get a group of people to support his campaign of hate against others. He would even “accidentally” leaks others information with the intention to harass others. When his fans does the harassing for him, others will call him out. Keem’s defense would be, “it’s not my fault, I cannot control what my fans would do.” He doesn’t take responsibility for his fans action because he is selfish man. He would then act all good by helping out smaller channels, helping out a cause, or giving some money to channels who ask him for money. But in reality, he doesn’t do them out of his heart. That’s the saddest thing. He sells his image with “good” things he does. But he never, not even once, do the “good” things he did out of his heart. His audience is very impressionable audience so he could manipulate information to make him look like a good guy and preach hate onto others. He, like Leafy, breeds a generation that does not know how to treat others but hate. He breeds a heartless generation.

For these influential people who say they are not responsible for their fans actions are just sad. This is why people don’t like this young generation on the internet, where they are always exposed to negativity, and create a hostile environment for others. Because of the negative, it creates a false sense of solution to these negative. Because of the negative, it promotes that these negative changes are good.

Blog, I worry for the next generation. I worry for the future generation of what is to come. I worry for the future that might never know what the good is.

with much love,



My Two Cents: FouseyTube Aftermath and Negative Channels

Dear blog,

I am glad that FouseyTube pulled a prank, or what others would call “manipulative drama,” on all these people. It really shows how much people are just really negative and really narrow-minded on their views in the world.

People won’t stop calling Fousey hypocritical, a liar, and a pussy. People won’t stop complaining about Fousey, how he was manipulative. How he just created more drama with others. But biggest thing I think Fousey did really well to point out about others is:

Go look at yourself in a mirror. And see who you are.

People are still failing to realize how negative and how manipulative they are being, and they are so focused on trying to bring down one person. They ignore everything Fousey had said and the message he was trying to get across, and bring in everything Fousey did that says against him. But one thing they need to realize is that they are being Fousey in a way when they rant about things. They are manipulative, negative, and especially toxic.

And I mean real toxic. You probably have no idea how toxic the community is. It’s very toxic from top to bottom. Even the ones who have millions of followers/subscribers are toxic and they don’t admit it.

One thing that Fousey is so much better than all these cycle of viscous, toxic channels, is that he admitted to his mistakes. He said he’s sorry and he did wrong with pranks and social experiments. HOWEVER, people took those words, put him on a stool, and just try to beat him down.

It’s something I feel people are exposed with so much negative news, that it colors them of who they are. Because of negative news about others on the internet is spreading around, it colors the personality of big YouTubers to be negative. And people, the fans, keep glorifying this hate, this negative part of the person, and everything negative around him/her, it makes them be negative and blind to what’s really true. It makes them feel like it’s easier for them to nitpick the negatives instead of the positives. And in the end be basked into their ego and inspire others to do the same. Think the same. Being negative.

To all the drama channels that are reading this, here is what I think: talking about the drama between channels that are known for reporting drama is hypocritical. What it is doing is that they are creating even more layers of unnecessary drama. Once they start getting called out on their hypocrisy, other channels are going to talk about . I see a vicious endless cycle in sight. Keemstar, Scarce, FouseyTube, Philip DeFranco, or any other big youtubers aren’t above or below each other.

The difference is that Fousey is about sending a message to his viewers that they need to stop looking for the negative and start looking for the positive.

Other channels are having their fans/viewers glorify them and enabling them to breed a generations of young adults that are heartless. Breeding a group of people to treat others like crap.

It’s sad, but definitely something I have learned from all this. I’m not saying I’m right and I don’t do this, but it’s something I should be working on, too. I don’t want to talk negative things about these channels, but it’s something I had to address.

However, this is my opinion and my views. My two cents. It does not have any worth to anyone but me.

with much love,



My Two Cents: FouseyTube Rant

Dear blog,

I think there are so many people who are so thick headed, even the people who have a huge influence on millions of people, are very thick headed… but at the same time they try to save face by defending themselves that they are not in the wrong either.

Well to start off, after thinking about the situation as a whole, it’s kind of messed up the FouseyTube and RiceGum concocted the “prank” beef on twitter. BUT at the same time it was messed up for people to take notice of it and jump into conclusions.

Even making. news. reports. about. it. every. single. one. of. the. news. channels.

It wasn’t their business to report it, but they did. Put it on their title. Viewers first impression “Oh, snap. Someone is having a beef.” Guaranteed not everyone watched the video all the way. Even if they knew it was fake, why do they even post it? Hmm?

Let’s be honest here: it’s because of money, for views, for income. Drama really sells.

After the FouseyTube video went up even explaining why he did it, not one. NOT EVEN ONE PERSON, Philip Defranco, Scarce, or KeemStar, admitted they posted those videos for money. No one admitted their mistakes. Philip just pointed out some mistakes Fousey made about him in the video. Scarce didn’t say much other than retweet Leafy’s video (I will get to that later). Keemstar agreed quietly on the first minute fousey’s video came out, and then went on a rampage how fousey is still fake.

But. Nobody admitted to posting those videos for the money because drama really does sell. Even if it is a fake story, they will still report it if the name is big. No one admitted that they should have waited till fousey announces the video.

That’s how big their egos are. They don’t care what happens to others as long as they are safe.

Then there’s other people. Thick-headed, narrow-minded people who also has a huge following decides to pick the negatives and call fousey a “hypocrite” and a “manipulator.” Some channels already made videos saying “oh he did this in the past and yet he calls them out for doing it.” But fousey already admitted the mistakes he made. “oh he did this video and now he’s trying to spread positivity? what a hypocrite.” Then you are no different from Keemstar or big bullies/trolls on the internet.

Leafy is no different from keemstar or a bully at school. He cherry picks the bad things that he did and applied it to Fousey’s videos, and threw away the whole point in what Fousey was trying to do. And this is how people like Leafy have the power over the people. I’m going to give my two cents about these internet giants tomorrow, but this is how Leafy has power over the people. He preaches his hate on fousey, he belittles others logic, and then concludes that fousey is a bad guy. Then what happens? Leafy directs the hate to a guy he doesn’t even know. Fousey didn’t even spread hate AT all. He only stated the issue with Philip Defranco’s, Scarce’s, and Keemstar’s response, and only stated his arguement why he thinks it’s wrong. Fousey even admitted the things he did were bad, too.

But what did Leafy do? Calls Fousey a “manipulator,” a “hypocrite.” Leafy just preaches to his audience how bad of a person fouseytube is. And his fans and anybody thick-headed like Leafy on twitter and youtube just loved it. Loved how he preached about how bad of a man, fousey, is. I’m serious. Leafy and the YouTube celebrities who rants like him are like a mini-cult.

It’s so sad to see this happening. It’s so sad to see it end like this. But that’s just how people are. It showed me how weak minded many people are. It showed me how the media likes to quiet the truth by people not telling others what’s really true in their hearts.

I will just have to keep praying for the poor souls who will never be free from the truth.

with much love,


My Two Cents: FouseyTube RiceGum Incident

Dear blog,

I sometimes don’t get people on the internet. These “news reporters.”

I don’t know if you heard about it, but there has been a buzz going on about a beef between two very well known individuals on the internet: FouseyTube and RiceGum. Nobody knew what the beef was. Nobody knew what was going on, but there was a twitter fight that RiceGum started. Then Fousey responded with angry tweets. Then a fight video came up.


People started talking about it. People started sharing the video of what happened. Then “news reporters” came out and reported on their show about it.

There was reports on big channels on here, here, and here.

Why? Why would you report about petty fights between two youtubers? And call it news?

Then when everyone found out that it was fake, then everyone goes nuts and say “oh I knew it was fake in the first place. but that was messed up faking drama.” THEN WHY DID YOU REPORT IT ON YOUR CHANNEL?

It’s just beef between two individuals who decided to take it on twitter. These youtubers, keemstar, scarce, and other news channels didn’t have to go around and tell everyone about it and report it as news. They didn’t have to get involved in their beef and report it on their videos. It’s a fight between two individuals and nobody has to put their nose into their beef.

Fousey even said in his tweet:


He was going to talk about it. Because the internet is so fast with rumor spreading, they couldn’t wait and just busted it out as a news report. Drama Alert, Phillip DeFranco, and Scarce took the huge bait. It just shows how impatient they were. Shows how they just wanted to make a video about it and share it with the fans.

It just shows how much drama really sells.

I swear these news channels are just so narrow-minded. It’s so mind boggling why people are arguing who’s right and who’s wrong.

To my honest opinion, both are in the wrong. Fousey didn’t have to make this fake video with a fight with RiceGum if it wasn’t for drama channels. Drama channels didn’t have to report people’s issues/dramas to everyone and then cause more harm by taking it on social media. But it’s so frustrating to see these drama channels fighting and creating more issues with more people on social media.

But that’s just my two cents on the issue.

with much love,

